Bodega 22 – Roatan Bar

Cigar, Whiskey and Wine Bar

Savor the Flavor: Local Honduran Cigars at Bodega 22, Roatán’s Premier Cigar Bar

At Bodega 22 Cigar Bar, we offer a wide selection of premium cigars from around the world. Whether you’re drawn to the smooth and creamy flavors of a Cuban cigar or the bold and spicy notes of a Honduran cigar, we have something for every palate. Our knowledgeable staff are here to guide you in selecting the perfect cigar to enjoy solo or paired with your favorite whiskey or wine.

Local Honduran Made Cigars

In addition to our selection of international cigars, we also offer a variety of locally made cigars from Honduras and other Central American countries. These cigars are made with the finest tobacco and offer a unique flavor profile that’s sure to please.

Cigar Selection and Enjoyment

If you’re new to cigars, don’t worry. Our staff can help you choose the right cigar for your taste preferences and show you how to properly cut, light, and smoke your cigar for maximum enjoyment. We also offer tips on how to pair cigars with wine, whiskey, and other beverages.

Bodega 22 in Roatán

Bodega 22 is located in Coxen Hole, but we’re proud to serve customers from all over Roatán, including West Bay, West End, Sandy Bay, French Harbor, and East End. Whether you’re a local or just visiting the island, we invite you to stop by and experience our exceptional cigar selection.

Wine Excellence

Bottle of wine and someone pouring wine into a glass

We offer Roatán’s largest wine selection, stored impeccably in a climate-controlled sanctuary for true Wine Excellence.

The Best Cigars

Bocock Cigars on a table with a cigar cutter. Cigar bar

Featuring Honduran and Central American cigars, our expansive humidor maintains them in optimal condition.

Epic Whiskeys

3 different types of whiskeys with a leaf cigar on an empty glass. Cigar bar

Boasting a vast selection, our whiskeys range from silky smooth pours to time-honored aged treasures.


+504 9631 3314


Macaw Market, Second Floor, Coxen Hole


Tuesday – Saturday
3 PM – 12 AM


Contact Us

Bodega 22 is located on the second floor of Macaw Market, just half a mile east of the airport.